

Conditions for entrance to and presence on FC Barcelona sports facilities

FC Barcelona are delighted to welcome visting teams' fans to their home at Spotify Camp Nou and at the same time we ask for your help with regards to following the rules and regulations of behaviour around and inside the stadium

Art 1. Admission and regulations for visiting spectators

1.1 In accordance with Article 17 of Spanish Royal Decree 203/2010, all spectators must carry their own individual ticket or entrance permit while inside the Stadium. Entrance is therefore authorised to any person that presents a valid ticket or permit, including children of all ages. This document must be handed over for inspection at the gates or inside the stadium at the request of any member of FC Barcelona staff, or of its Security Services or of any corresponding member of the Police Force. Only persons with a valid ticket or permit or who can justify by other means that they are authorised to be there may remain on the premises.

In any case, the holder of the ticket or permit shall only be entitled to use the seat stated on the same, and is expressly prohibited from using different areas or seats in the stadium. The validity of the ticket expires once the holder has left the premises.

1.2 In accordance with Article 52 of Spanish Royal Decree 2816/1982, entrance to the Stadium is not permitted with bulky objects, baby strollers or other large items that obstruct exits.

1.3 All children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by at least one adult, who shall be the person who assumes direct responsibility over such minors while on the premises. Persons aged over 14 may enter without necessarily being accompanied by an adult, but it shall be understood that they have been authorised to do so by their parents or guardians, at the time they enter the stadium.

1.4 Authorisation to enter the premises is guaranteed for those persons who have obtained their ticket from their club when this club is the visiting team.

1.5 Every ticket sold must bear the name of the visiting supporter who purchased the ticket, which is of a personal nature and non-transferable.

1.6 Persons responsible for security and control are instructed to expel any supporters of the visiting team that enter the area reserved for supporters of the home team, or any supporter who causes problems, regardless of the validity of their tickets and to direct them to a place in the corresponding area (provided there are seats available and the visiting team agrees). If there is no seat in the visiting sector, the offender shall be expelled from the premises or simply refused entrance in the first instance.

1.7 After leaving the premises, re-entry to the same shall not be permitted.

Art 2. Ticket checks and physical searches

2.1 When tickets and permits are being validated, all supporters may be required to show their tickets or permits to the police or to the private security delegates and hand them over if they are so asked. Private security officers or delegates are authorised to verify official identity documents (DNI, passport, etc.). Entrance to the premises shall be refused to anyone who refuses to be searched by private security staff or to show their identification.

2.2 The club's private security staff are authorised to search all persons, including with the use of technical methods. If due to the possession and/or consumption of drugs or alcohol, or carrying weapons, pyrotechnic articles or dangerous objects, these persons pose a threat to public safety, they shall be refused entry to the premises. Searches may also be extended to visitors' belongings provided that said visitors expressly issue their permission. However, entrance to the stadium will be refused to all persons who refuse to allow these authorised searches.

2.3 Any person who has a prohibition order against their entrance on the premises shall be refused access, and such persons shall not be entitled to a refund of the cost of the acquired tickets.

Art 3. Behaviour on the premises

3.1 While on the premises, spectators must behave in a way that does not cause damage to themselves or to other spectators. They may not put anyone in danger, obstruct any other person, or cause any inconvenience to other spectators.

3.2 Spectators must at all times obey any instructions issued via the police, private security, fire service, medical personnel or the public announcement system or from other persons qualified by the club and duly identified.

3.3 For reasons of security, to ensure protection, or for organizational/operational causes, police or private security may ask spectators to move to other seats, even outside of their allocated section.

3.4 All staircases, entrances, exits and corridors (including emergency exits) must be free at all times.

3.5 The display of any flag, banner, mosaic or any other act of expression that implies the use of any type of system, material or organization, must have been made of non-combustible material  and previously authorised by the Club.

3.6 Notwithstanding the foregoing, any other applicable regulations shall be applicable to behaviour on the premises in order to prevent or eliminate any threat to life, health or property.

Art 4. Prohibitions

4.1 Spectators are prohibited from entering the stadium with the following objects:

  • (a) Material containing propaganda that is racist, xenophobic or inciting of violence, and originating from any political ideology. The same applies to the use of clothing with symbols that are racist, xenophobic or inciting of violence.
  • (b) Advertising, political or religious articles of any type, such as banners, symbols or leaflets.
  • (c) Weapons of any kind, for example, knives, sharp objects, blades, firearms or similar dangerous objects, including umbrellas.
  • (d) Drones and/or flying objects.
  • (e) Laser pointers or any other technology that hinders the normal running of the event.
  • (f) Gas aerosols, corrosive substances, irritants, colourings or any type of substance that could affect the health of any spectator.
  • (g) In compliance with Spanish Royal Decree 769/1993, entrance with food and/or beverages in metal, glass, ceramic, wood or similar packaging of a greater volume/weight of 500 millilitres/grams is also prohibited. Entrance with any type of alcoholic beverages, or narcotics, psychotropic stimulants or similar substances or while under the effects of the same, is strictly prohibited. Any container of lower capacity is allowed, but the lid shall be removed without exception.
  • (h) Objects made of glass, bottles, cans (including 330 ml) and any fragile or fragmented containers and all especially hard materials, even if purchased at the official Club store.
  • (i) Bulky objects, such as stepladders, stools, chairs, boxes, backpacks, suitcases, stroller, bicycles, scooters, etc.
  • (j) Flares, rockets, fireworks, smoke bombs or any other pyrotechnic objects or flammable substances.
  • (k) Sticks/poles of any size or material.
  • (l) Insert flags or banners bigger than 2m x 3m and/or made of flammable material.  
  • (m) Alcoholic beverages or any type of drug.
  • (n) Noisy instruments, either mechanical or non-mechanical, such as megaphones, compressed air hooters or any similar items.
  • (o) Computers, tablets, professional photography and video cameras or other professional video or audio recording equipment.
  • (p) Animals, except service and/or guide dogs according to current legislation.
  • (q) Balloons, balls of any size or kind that can interrupt the event.
  • (r) Any other prohibition in accordance with Spanish Law 19/2007, of July 11, against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, as well as Spanish Royal Decree 203/2010.

NOTE: No storage service will be provided. 

4.2 The following behaviours are strictly prohibited among spectators:

  • (a) Slogans or songs that are or may be interpreted as being violent, racist, xenophobic, inciting of discrimination, or originating from any political ideology. Publicly insulting any other person, particularly players, coaches, referees and other spectators, whether by shouting, showing objects or by any other means, such as banners related to race, sex, language, religion or origin. Racist or disrespectful behaviours. Such behaviour may lead to immediate expulsion from the premises.
  • (b) Display of symbols and/or banners of groups and/or clubs that are not recognised by FC Barcelona, the world association of Barcelona supporters clubs (penyes), the 'espai d'animació' or other official club registers.
  • (c) Climbing or accessing any construction, such as walls, barriers, outer perimeter of the pitch, lighting structures, television camera platforms, trees, roofs of any type and places not designed for general public use.
  • (d) Access to unauthorized areas, such as the field of play, indoor spaces, functional areas or any space not open to the general public.
  • (e) Throw any type of object onto the pitch or onto other spectators.
  • (f) Create fire, light flares or use any pyrotechnic item.
  • (g) Paint, write or paste posters on any construction, installation, walkway or tree in the area.
  • (h) Perform  physiological needs in any area other than those assigned for this convenience, dirty the premises in any other way, especially by throwing trash on the ground or performing one's needs anywhere other than inside the toilets.
  • (i) Consume beverages outside the authorised area.
  • (j) Disguise or camouflage oneself (in particular the face) in order to avoid being recognised.
  • (k) Smoke (including electronic cigarettes) in areas where said prohibition is indicated.
  • (l) Record sound, images, descriptions or results of the event (except for personal use) and/or transmit them partially or totally via the internet or by other means, including mobile phones and/or help other people do so without prior and express authorisation from the Club. Entrance is forbidden with all types of professional equipment and machines needed to carry out these tasks without prior and express authorisation from the Club. Photographs and images taken by spectators at a match must be exclusively for private use. Any commercial use requires prior written authorisation from FC Barcelona.

NOTE: The above list of behaviours is not exhaustive.

Art 5. Liabilities

FC Barcelona is not responsible for any personal or material damage caused by third parties that are not associated to FC Barcelona

All accidents or damages caused must be reported immediately to FC Barcelona.

Art 6. Breach of the regulations

6.1 Any person who does not obey these regulations may be expelled from the premises without any type of compensation or reimbursement of the cost of the ticket. The same applies to any person who is expelled from the premises due to being under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or any other substance that indicates that they are incapable of controlling themselves or causes them to behave violently, be a disturbance to public order or suggest that such behaviour might occur.

6.2 An order of prohibition of entry to the premises may be issued against any person due to their behaviour inside and outside of the same if it is considered that they are jeopardising the security of the same, or acting against the law or the good order of the event. This prohibition may be extended to the rest of the country, depending on the severity of the circumstances.

6.3 If the organisation is responsible for any breach of this regulation, and is fined or has to pay any kind of compensation as a consequence of the decisions of the governing bodies of the event, these shall be transferred to the spectator responsible for said breach of the regulations.

6.4 If there is any suspicion of wrongdoing or imprudent action on the part of a spectator, a criminal or administrative penalty may be implemented.

6.5 These regulations shall enter into force the moment that the holder of a ticket or permit has entered the premises. Acquisition of a ticket or permit implies total acceptance of all the points of these internal FC Barcelona regulations on any of its premises (Camp Nou, Palau Blaugrana, Johan Cruyff Stadium and Ciutat Esportiva training ground).

  • FC Barcelona reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against any offender or violator of these internal regulations.
  • Regardless of these internal regulations, the 'espai d'animació' is run by its own specific regulations, when used for such purposes. 

FC Barcelona supports international culture and tolerance in sport and expressly declares itself against any form of discrimination, whether racial, sexual, linguistic, ethnic or ideological, or based on age or sexual identity.

For further information, please see Spanish Law 19/2007, of July 11, on violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, and also Spanish Royal Decree 203/2010.

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