Pons Lleida 5-4 Barça: Last minute defeat

Pons Lleida 5-4 Barça: Last minute defeat

The blaugranes lose Catalan league opener

Defeat for the blaugranes in the opening game of the XX Frit Ravich Lliga Catalana. Barça fell to a 5-4 defeat at Pons Lleida with David Cáceres' team squandering a 3-1 half time lead. 

Curtielles, Pablo Álvarez and Ferran Font scored in the opening period for the blaugranes with Nuno Miguel replying for Lleida. 

In the second half Ojeda made it 3-2 only Pablo Álvarez to swing the game back in Barça's favour at 4-2. However, three goals in seven minutes, Sergi Duch getting the winner, allowed Lleida to take the win.



Pons Lleida: Martí Zapater, Nuno Miguel, Dari Jiménez, Chino Migélez, Sebastià Mocusí, Sergi Duch, Nico Ojeda, Jordi Badia, FranTorres and Javier Sánchez.

Barça: S. Fernández, J. Curtiellas, P. Álvarez, F. Font, S. Llorca , Marc Cáceres, Pablo Rodríguez, Joan Gangonells, Eloi Cervera and Pau Garcia.

Goals: 0-1, Jan Curtiellas (min. 6); 1-1,  Nuno Miguel (min. 15); 1-2, Pabo Álvarez (min. 21); 1-3, Ferran Font (min. 24); 2-3, Nico Ojeda (min. 42); 2-4, Pablo Álvarez (min.42); 3-4, Fran Torres (min. 43); 4-4, Nico Ojeda (min. 44); 5-4, Sergi Duch (min. 50).

Força Barça
Força Barça

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