Universality, fair play, ambition and future projection cited as FC Barcelona's greatest assets in latest survey of members

'Observatori Blaugrana' telephone poll reveals a 7.8 out of 10 level of satiscation among the club membership, who are generally very positive indeed about both sporting and institutional factors

This Monday, FC Barcelona has released the results of the latest Observatori Blaugrana, the opinion poll of club members that is conducted every half year and which surveys 1,000 people.

Just like the survey for the first half of 2016, the level of overall satisfaction among members has been ranked at 7.8 out of 10. This reaffirms the finding in May that the Barça membership is proud and confident about both the present and future of their club.

The latest Observatori shows substantial improvements in a series of very important aspects of the club, apart from those that merely reflect sporting success. In terms of the club’s image, members are particularly impressed by its universality, ambition fair play and future.

The study was again conducted by Time Consultants, in the form of a survey between December 19 and 30 of 2016 of one thousand male and female members aged 16 or over that reside in Spain.

Legal conflicts, solid finances and Espai Barça

In the previous Observatori Blaugrana, internal and external conflicts, including the legal cases in which the club was immersed, were the main concerns among members, cited by 22.8%. The new survey shows a considerable drop in this respect to 6.7%, clear evidence that the members have reacted positively to the way the club has managed to deal with and close those issues.

Increased confidence in the club’s finances is another of the evident outcomes reflected by the latest survey, as well the expectations aroused by the new stadium project, Espai Barça, which is felt by far to be the most important challenge for the future, with 68% of the survey citing this factor.

58.2% of members say they feel confident and optimistic about the immediate future, generally feeling that the club is going to be run even better, while the signature of a new main sponsorship deal with Rakuten is not only highlighted as one of the biggest events of the last six months, but is also one of the areas where satisfaction is the highest, scoring 3.4 out of 4.

As for strictly sporting matters, the score of 8 out of 10 is half a point down on last June, but it should be noted that the last survey was held right after the team had just completed another league and cup double, when the mood at the club was especially buoyant The drop in satisfaction regarding results and titles is the same as that for the team’s football and style, but there was a slight increase in terms of the players and team.

Finally, aside from the titles the team has won, the most highly appraised events of the year gone by are the opening of a new office in New York, which 93% of the survey described as quite good and very good, for an average score of 3.5 out of 4.

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The results of the Observatori Blaugrana were published in May 2015, when they were provided to the aspiring candidates to the presidency. The Board of Directors, in compliance with the commitment declared by Josep Maria Bartomeu when reviewing his first tenure, shall continue making all of this information available to the members, who may view the complete document on the club website at www.fcbarcelona.com.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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