Short route: 6,6 KM

Short route: 6,6 KM

All the information about the short route aide stations and schedules


Saturday 22 March 2025 at 9:00 a.m. from the Casal de Cultura de Collbató 


Montserrat Monastery.  Estimated time 12:00


- 6,5 kilometres
- 861 m maximum altitude
- 472 m ascent
- 753 m descent

It is an endurance walk, a non-competitive hiking event designed for any member, supporter or fan to participate. This route, though short in distance, involves a significant ascent. Therefore, participants must meet minimum physical conditions to complete an elevation gain of 472 meters.

recorregut curt marxa culer ANG
altimetria marxa culer curt i llarg ENG

Return of the Marxa

The return options are:

  • Club bus: take the Cremallera from Monestir and get off at Monistrol (Cremallera Car Park).  From the same car park, the bus will take you to Collbató.

    Via the registration form, you will have the option of purchasing a bus seat to return to Collbató from the cremallera car park.
  • Own means (on foot or by car)

  • Public Transport

Cremallera and train

Links with FGC trains

Cable Car (Aeri) and train

Line R5 (Barcelona - Manresa) connects with the Aeri de Montserrat and the Cremallera de Montserrat Stations

All participants registered for the walk will receive a discount code in the email confirming their bib number. This code can be used to purchase the return ticket online with the Cremallera from the Monastery of Montserrat to the Monistrol car park.

avituallament curt marxa culer ESP

We remind you that there WILL BE NO SINGLE-USE PLASTIC GLASS at the aid stations. The bag that we will give you when you collect your bib number will include a glass that you can use for the walk.
If not, you must carry your glass or water bottle in your backpack, so you can supply yourself with liquid.

In the Marxa Culer bag you will find a bracelet that you must wear during the walk. It will serve as additional identification for the aid stations.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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