Pere Romeu the new Barça Women coach until 2026

Pere Romeu the new Barça Women coach until 2026

New blaugrana coach formerly Jonatan Giráldez' assistant

Pere Romeu has been named the new Barça Women coach. The 30-year-old Catalan from Barcelona has signed for two seasons through to June 30, 2026. Romeu will be joined on the bench by Rafel Navarro, who has extensive experience as part of the blaugrana staff, having worked with the team since 2019.

Romeu replaces Jonatan Giráldez in the role after being his assistant for the last three seasons. The season just gone saw the team win the quadruple of the Spanish Super Cup, the Liga F, the Copa de la Reina and the Champions League.

A club man

Romeu was part of the male youth system from 2017 al 2020, starting with the U8s and ending with the U16s, including coaching current men's first team player Gavi.

In 2020 he left to become assistant coach at Viitorul Constanta in Romania, before he joined the Barça Women's coaching team in the summer of 2021. During these past three seasons as Giráldez' assistant coach, Romeu has had a key analytical and game preparation role.


Força Barça
Força Barça

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