FC Barcelona statement

FC Barcelona statement

The FC Barcelona Board of Directors met at head office on Thursday for an ordinary session with the following outcomes:

Recognition for Xavi Hernández

FC Barcelona ​​Joan Laporta opened the meeting by speaking at length to the Board of Directors to show gratitude for Xavi Hernández enabling the process to end his contract as first team coach, while reiterating the appreciation for all his work in the role.

Approval of pass prices and the attendance plan for the coming 2024/25 season at Estadí Olímpic Lluís Companys and Spotify Camp Nou

The FC Barcelona Board of Directors have approved the prices and the attendance plan for the coming 2024/25 season, including all the details regarding the return to Spotify Camp Nou, the seat selection plan and the prices. Members were surveyed to understand their preferences in order to develop the plan based on the main conclusions presented during the last participatory session for members on April 11 before final approval.

Regarding the passes for Estadí Olímpic Lluís Companys, the prices for the 23/24 season will be maintained, applying the relevant and equivalent CPI rate up to mid-season. The agreed prices are: Tribuna (€449); Lateral (€258); Córners Nord (€232), Córners Nord Visió 80% (€181), Córners Sud (€232) and Córners Sud Visió 80% (€181); Gol Norte (€186), Gol Norte Visió 80% (€132), Gol Sud (€186) and Gol Sud Visió 80% (€132); Lateral PMR (€258) and Gol Sud PMR (€186); and lastly, EDA - singing stand - (€90). The price was calculated based on playing half a season at Estadí Olímpic Lluís Companys. Automatic renewal will be applied in case of any extension to the calendar.

As was already stated when the Stadium renovation work began, Spotify Camp Nou will not be 100% available on the return, with only the first and second tiers available for use at first. Attendance will limited to around 60% of capacity, and after excluding VIP seats and those required for competition purposes, 85% of seats will be allocated to season ticket holders. Along these lines, the Club has decided to commit to a variable seat plan, which would involve selecting a zone and confirming attendance on a game by game basis, should demand outstrip the number of seats available. As such, the Seient Lliure option is not being considered. The prices set for the passes for the return to Spotify Camp Nou are tailored to the new layout of the zones in the Stadium, but the prices for the 2022/23 season are being maintained, only being adjusted to the cumulative CPI rate. Furthermore, as is the case for the calculation for the Estadí Olímpic Lluís Companys, the plan is tailored to playing half a season in the Spotify Camp Nou. So when it comes to the Tribuna stand, the agreed zones and prices are Tribuna 1 Central (€695); Tribuna 1 (€625); Tribuna 2 Central (€755); Tribuna 2 (€685). For the Lateral stand they are: Lateral 1 Central (€435); Lateral 1 (€400); Lateral 2 Central (€463); Lateral 2 (€435). And for the Gol stands, Gol 1 (€260); Gol 2 (€295); EDA - singing space - (€110). And finally for the corners, Córner 1 (€333); Córner 2 (€355).

During this advance return to the Stadium, every FC Barcelona season ticket holder can opt for a seat, along with the 3,240 members without a season ticket who showed their commitment to the Club in the 2023/24 season by buying a pass for the Estadí Olímpic Lluís Companys. The choice of zone will be provisional and will not represent the final seat choice in the future Spotify Camp Nou. The rights of season ticket holder members who decide to continue their leave of absence and not purchase the pass for the advance return to the new blaugrana home will be honoured when it comes to the final allocation.

As was indicated, the 17,902 members with a pass for Montjuïc will have priority when choosing a zone over the rest of season ticket holders.

Blaugrana senate meeting on June 12

The blaugrana senate meeting was approved for Wednesday June 12 by the Board of Directors during the ordinary session. The FC Barcelona senate is a collegiate and honorary body of an advisory nature, made up of the thousand longest serving Club members. The Senate’s role is to advise and counsel in relation to all matters subjected to the President and Board of Directors.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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