- Can member take part in the census on their 18th birthday?
No, they can take part the day after their 18th birthday. - If I start the census process but then stop, can I pick it up later where I left off?
Yes, the process is saved and you can start where you left off. - Which is the final day of the census?
30 November 2023 - Am I obliged to take part in the census?
According to the FCB statutes, members are obliged to update their details. - Can I take part in the census in person?
You can come to the OAB (Members' Office) for help to complete the process on your mobile device. - If a member has passed away and so cannot take part in the Census, how do we inform the Club?
You can contact the OAB via e-mail (oab@fcbarcelona.cat), telephone (+34 93 496 36 00) or arrange an appointment to remove the member from the census. - What do I need to create my digital profile?
An electronic device (computer, tablet or mobile) with a camera and microphone incorporated, DNI, NIE or passport. - If my name is not recorded correctly and there is no option to modify it, how do I change it?
You have to ring the OAB or send them an e-mail. - Is the voice recording obligatory?
It is not obligatory. In the census process there is the option to choose to tick the box "☐ I accept the recording and use of my voice as biometric data [...]," as it is an optional check box, it is not obligatory. Should you choose to NOT tick the box, and therefore NOT AUTHORISE voice recording, you will be able to continue with the process of updating your details for the census successfully. - What is the facial biometric comparison?
In order to authenticate that the member or partner is who they say they are, we use this facial comparison system that does not keep any biometric trace of the member or partner and is very easy and simple to use. - How does it work?
We simply compare the image of your ID with that of the selfie you take, and the software validates that you are the same person. Once the two images are compared, we delete your ID and only save the current photo without any biometric trace. - And why do we ask you to shake your head?
We ask it to verify that it is a photo in real time and demonstrate your physical presence, thus avoiding that the selfie is taken from another photo. - Does FC Barcelona create a database with our biometric data?
No, once the 2 images are compared, any biometric comparison disappears and is irreversible. We only keep your updated photo. - Is it mandatory to use this system?
We have opted for this system because it offers many advantages to the member, since they do not have to travel to our offices. However, if you prefer to carry out this procedure in person, contact us and we will make an appointment to carry out the procedure at our offices.
In any case, inform them that we have carried out a previous study of this system to validate its total legality and security.
Força Barça
Força Barça