Antoni Freixa
Fidels al Barça is a candidacy for the people, for the members who want a club free of outside interests; members who always go to matches, supporters' groups, members on the waiting list without season tickets, Officials Supporters' Club members and Senators, you are one of us. We want to assure you that the club will always be for the members with a proposal for financial recovery without the need for external capital or third parties that could convert the club into a PLC. We will set record levels of income without sacrificing the blaugrana style of play, by filling the stadium with Barça fans not tourists. a social proposal that will reward the loyal Barça fan and an Espai Barça that will come about without compromising the club. We are the only ones who bring together the experience, common sense and football knowledge, we are True to Barça.

Toni Freixa and his team handing over signatures.
Members of the candidature and member number
Antoni Freixa i Martín - 54.786
Marc Jover Vilaró - 36.686
Marcos Mas Rauchwerk - 83.971
Carles Nuñez Nadal - 22.652
Carla Huguet Ricos - 36.983
Albert Majó Ricart - 96.964
Maria Isabel Ustariz Astica - 46.079
Jordi Durá Mena - 65.150
Santiago Salvat Ruiz - 38.480
Joan Bertrán Aldomà - 38.233
Juan José Marí Guillot - 115.751
Alejandro Arnó Prenafeta - 63.229
Juan Manuel Alcaraz Casas - 24.680
Angel Gustá Llorens - 20.573
Lluís Jové Pons - 30.681