A child from Sant Joan de Déu, accompanied by Robot Pol, will be the first to visit the Museum after Covid-19
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Once all the adaptation and disinfection tasks of the facilities that have been carried out this week have been completed to guarantee the safety and protection of visitors and employees against Covid-19, everything is ready for FC Barcelona to reopen this Friday, after being closed to the public for three months. The club will reopen the Barcelonista service offices (OAB, OAE and OLP), the Barça Store Camp Nou and the Museum after the forced stoppage due to the coronavirus crisis. Barça will welcome back supporters, and for its reopening, the Museum will have some very special visitors: Robot Pol and Jaume, a 15-year-old boy admitted to the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, who will be accompanied by the vice president of the club's Commercial Area, Oriol Tomás, the director of the Barça Foundation, Mària Vallès; the director of the Éric Abidal Foundation, Hayet Abidal, and the director of the Museum, Jordi Penas.
Robot Pol is a project promoted by the Abidal Foundation and the Barça Foundation to make the dreams of children admitted to hospitals come true, allowing them to enjoy the experience of visiting Barça through a robot remotely controlled by the child. In this case, the Robot Pol and Jaume will visit some of the Museum spaces that will be open to the public during phase 2 of the de-escalation, given that the restrictions required to keep the capacity limited (from 33% in phases 1 and 2 of the alarm state and 50% in phase 3) and preventive security measures have forced an adaptation of its route to the contents of the first and second floors, and the panoramic view.
The Museum will be open every day from 10.00am CEST to 3.00pm CEST, and the ticket prices have also been reduced. A general ticket will now cost 20 euros (instead of 26) and to encourage the influx of the local public, the price will be 10 euros for residents of Catalonia, those over 70 years old and children between 4 and 10 years old (children under 4 years old have free admission). Members continue to have free admission and will be able to enjoy a free invitation for a companion, valid from June 12 to 30.
A new step towards new normality
The reopening of the Museum, the Barça Store Camp Nou and the headquarters coincides with the return of the first team football. Barça resume LaLiga as the championship leader and will play the first of the eleven games left this Saturday at Mallorca. The club wants to transmit confidence and take a step towards the new normality, following the rules dictated by the health authorities and the state of alarm of the Government at all times.
Thus, the reopening of the facilities is done following the 'Espai net i segur' ('Clean and safe space') safety and hygiene protocols, coordinated by the director Joan Bladé. All the club's premises will be converted into clean and safe spaces, both for the athletes and workers of the entity, as well as for all the members and fans who have to make use of them. This morning the adaptation and disinfection tasks of the headquarters, the Barça Store and the Museum have finished, and during this week the unified signage, both informative and preventative, has been installed, with the warning of the obligation to use masks in the closed spaces; as well as the two-metre distance marks and the protection and separation partitions in spaces where this safety distance cannot be guaranteed. You can also find hydroalcoholic gel dispensers for hand cleaning distributed throughout the facilities, duly marked and visible.
Barcelonista Attention Office (OAB), by appointment
The Social Headquarters reopens this Friday to give face-to-face attention to members, supporters and fans, but due to the current situation, and in order to guarantee a good service, it will be necessary for members and Barça fans to make an appointment, which must be requested through the web. The Social Headquarters attention services will open from Monday to Friday, and exceptionally also on Saturday 13, from 10.00am CEST to 1.00pm CEST.

Barça Store Camp Nou, open every day
The Barça Store Camp Nou will also open its doors from 10.00am CEST to 4.00pm CEST every day of the week. The establishment has adapted its spaces with changes that will allow greater fluidity in the mobility of customers, while it has adopted all the measures indicated by the health authorities to guarantee their safety. These measures include the installation of partitions in the boxes, the daily disinfection of the entire establishment, in addition to the disinfection of the testers after each use, and the mandatory use of masks inside the store. A quarantine protocol will also be applied to all clothing from the warehouse or that customers have tried on, and capacity will be limited, with one person at each entrance to the establishment who will be responsible for managing customer access.
It should be noted that on June 12 two of the three floors of the store will open to the public, since on the -1 floor and in the stands area different remodelling works will be carried out with the aim of improving the experience for customers.
The facilities will comply with strict security and protection measures, all buildings will have a capacity control in place and there will be constant supervision to ensure that sanitary regulations are met, as well as a queuing control outside each space. There is also the exceptional measures of cleaning and continuous disinfection to all spaces.
The first set of facilities will open from this Friday. Access will be free and pedestrians may enter the premises on foot through gates 9 (Boulevard area), 15 and 15A. As for access by wheeled vehicle, it will be via gate 14. The car park will be operational in zone C of Auditori 1899 for members, and in zone D next to the Palau Blaugrana for other visitors. The catering areas will be closed, but vending machines will be available.
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