Agreement to sign Mbacke

Agreement to sign Mbacke

FC Barcelona reaches deal with Los Angeles FC to keep the Senegalese centre back at the club until 2026 after he played last season on loan to Barça Atlètic

FC Barcelona have reached an agreement with Los Angeles FC for the transfer of Mamadou Mbacke Fall on a two-year contract through to 30 June 2026, with the option to extend it to two more. The Senegalese centre back spent last season on loan to Barça Atlètic from the Californian club.

The official signing of the contract will be arranged for a future date.

Leader in defence

Mbacke joined the Barça reserves in last year's summer transfer market, but due to red tape issues he wasn't able to play until November 4, when he made his debut in a 2-1 win away to Rayo Majadahonda. Since then, he and his compatriot Mikayil Faye formed a solid tandem in the middle of the blaugrana defence.

He played 21 games last season, 19 as a starter, and even scored two goals, although a left ankle injury meant he had to undergo surgery and he missed the final part of the campaign.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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