FC Barcelona reaffirms commitment to no LGBTI-phobia in sport

FC Barcelona reaffirms commitment to no LGBTI-phobia in sport

Club constantly striving to eradicate LGBTI-phobia and promote access to sport for all both internally and externally

On the International Day against LGTBI-phobia in Sport, FC Barcelona reaffirms its rejection to any form of LGBTI-phobia while playing sport. The Club's commitment is founded on a belief in the values of sport as a tool for change and is aligned with the European Union's LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and the promotion of access to sport for all. The Spanish Ministry of the Interior issues a report on hate crimes each year, with LGTBI-phobias accounting for almost 23% of them, and with sporting facilities and grounds ranked fourth for incidents across different spaces.

Setting out towards a value-based future

During the 2021 General Assembly, FC Barcelona members agreed to amend article four of the Club's Statutes to include the commitment to defend the rights of people in its constitution to state a "specific recognition for the basic and elemental rights of humans, contained in the Declaration for their protection”, adding that the Club “will promote democratic values, the eradication of all male chauvinist, homophobic, and racist attitudes in the social and sporting domain”.

As part of this commitment to contribute to eradicating situations of inequality, and specifically regarding the LGTBI collective in the world of sport, FC Barcelona and Panteres Grogues signed a collaboration agreement in February 2022 that set out the terms of cooperation for both entities, with the Club focusing on education and providing advice. Talks on sport and LGTBIQ+ persons were also organised at the La Masia Auditori for the coaching staff of the handball, basketball, roller hockey, and futsal teams, plus the La Masia teaching staff, with the aim of raising awareness and providing them with tools to prevent discrimination.

Acknowledging and rewarding the commitment to equality

This posture saw FC Barcelona receive the Award for Diversity in Sport on 19 February 2024 from the association Love Rights, a not-for-profit organisation that defends the rights of LGTBIQ+ persons.

An ongoing task both externally and internally

Internally, the Club is developing the Protection plan for the LGTBI collective in accordance with Law 4/2023 of 28 February and Royal Decree 1026/2024 of 8 October. This plan will incorporate every measure the Club has already implemented and will see current protocols reviewed to ensure equal opportunities throughout every process. Furthermore, new action measures will be implemented, reinforcing training for the Club's workers, with a special focus on awareness, aiming to create an environment of equality regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

19 February in memory of Justin Fashanu

The International Day against LGTBI-phobia in Sport has been celebrated on 19 February since 2010. The date was chosen to commemorate black English footballer Justin Fashanu, who was the first to openly declare his homosexuality in 1990. A talented footballer with a great future, he experienced rejection and discrimination both on and off the pitch, culminating in Fashanu taking his own life aged 37 years old.

The Justin Fashanu Foundation is his legacy, which fights against homophobia, racism, and mental health issues among footballers.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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