Marxa Culer Regulations

Marxa Culer Regulations

The following link will take you to a document containing all the rules of the walk.

By registering for the walk, you agree to these rules, so it is important to read them carefully.

Safety Tips

During the Walk

  • If you experience or witness a serious medical situation, call 112 for assistance and share the GPS coordinates.
  • It is not advisable to go alone, especially at night:
    • In sections with little or no telephone coverage.
    • Without a tracking device (mobile phone or similar)
  • In the event of experiencing or witnessing a serious or extreme medical situation:
    • Call 112 for assistance and the FC Barcelona organisation to report the incident. The contact telephone numbers are: 615875562 / 615875960 / 615875602
    • Provide information about your location.

To help you navigate

  • How to provide information about the location
    • Carry a GPS device (GPS or latest generation mobile phone) to provide the exact location (see specific information for each device).
    • Provide references of the last checkpoint/aid station you passed.
    • Note the time at which you passed the last checkpoint/aid station to estimate your distance from it.
    • Use references: nearby towns, houses, hills, rock formations, roads, etc.
  • Tools to avoid getting lost
    • Familiarise yourself with the route, either in person or electronically using the track. Always pay attention to the markers along the path. If you go a long time without seeing any, backtrack until you find a marker.
    • Carry a map of the route, a compass and a watch.
    • Follow the instructions given to you by the FC Barcelona organisation.

Practical information

  • Equipment
    • Upon collecting their bib, each participant will receive the race t-shirt and a device to register their passage through the checkpoints. Information about the route and the location and opening and closing times of the aid stations can be found in the Rules. Additionally, at each aid station, there will be an informational sign indicating its closing time and the closing time of the next aid station.
    • The list of mandatory equipment is determined by the Rules of the 2021 Catalan Circuit of Resistance Walks.
  • For the short and long walk
    • Water bottle or container of at least half a litre, full.
    • No glasses or bottles of water will be given out at the start or at the aid stations.
    • Mobile phone: each participant must bring their own phone, and it must be working, with the organisation's contact phone number saved and GPS activated.
    • The battery must be 100% charged when starting the Walk.
    • RECOMMENDATION: bring a mobile phone charger.
  • For the long walk
    • Walking sticks.
    • Thermal blanket of 1.4 x 2 meters, minimum.
    • Headlamp or equivalent flash light, with batteries and spare batteries.
    • NOTE: The Walk starts at night, at 12 noon. Therefore, the use of a headlamp is essential for obvious safety reasons.
    • Reflective material that will be MANDATORY at intersections and road sections (see Article 123 of the General Traffic Regulations, “Official State Gazette” of 23/12/2003).
  • List of recommended materials

Clothing suitable for the predicted weather conditions on the day of the Walk, considering that weather forecasts can sometimes be wrong.

  • Backpack
  • Tube scarf
  • Cap
  • Gloves
  • Trousers (short/long)
  • Windbreaker
  • Thermal T-shirt
  • Mini emergency kit (tape, Vaseline, sunscreen and lip balm)
  • Walking sticks, if you usually use one
  • A change of clothes in case of rain

Something to eat and drink at the start of the Walk, as the first aid point is located 8 kilometres from the start of the Long Walk and about 6.5 kilometres from the start of the Short Walk.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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