Polling stations
With the aim of allowing the greatest number of members to take part in the elections and to decentralise the vote, for the first time in an election for the FC Barcelona presidency, the voters will have various polling stations available to make their vote.
The polling stations will be shared out in the following locations
- Barcelona (Camp Nou and Palau Blaugrana)
- Girona, Lleida Tarragona and Tortosa
- Andorra
Voting can take place from 9.00am CET until 9.00pm CET.
Members with the right to vote will have their polling stations assigned according to the address recorded in the Club's database. If a change of address is needed to change a polling station assignation, it can be done from 29 January until 24 February. To make the change, click here.
If, for any reason, members would like to vote at a different polling station to the one they have been assigned via the details in the Club's database, members can request a change of polling station until 24 February via a form that can be found via the following link:
- CAMPUS FC BARCELONA: Camp Nou i Palau Blaugrana. Arístides Maillol s/n 08028 Barcelona
- GIRONA: Pavelló Municipal de Fontajau. Avinguda del President Josep Tarradellas i Joan, 22, 24, 17007 Girona
- LLEIDA: Seu Federació Catalana de Futbol. Carrer Riu Besos,8 25001 Lleida
- TARRAGONA (Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat, Tarragonès): Poliesportiu Campclar. Carrer Riu Siurana- 43006 Tarragona
- TORTOSA (Baix Ebre, Montsià, Ribera d'Ebre, Terra Alta): Seu Federació Catalana de Futbol. Adrià d'Utrech, 5, baixos, 43500 Tortosa
- ANDORRA LA VELLA (Principat d'Andorra). Centre de Congressos d'Andorra la Vella. Plaça del Poble, s/n, AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra
Photos Polling Stations: Barcelona-Camp Nou (1); Barcelona-Palau Blaugrana (2); Girona (3); Lleida (4); Tarragona (5); Tortosa (6) and Andorra (7)