BIHUB bringing NASA experts to Sports Tomorrow Congress to speak about Artificial Intelligence

BIHUB bringing NASA experts to Sports Tomorrow Congress to speak about Artificial Intelligence

Engineers Howard Hu and Carlos García Galán among speakers at five session on AI at the congress happening from February 27 to 28 as part of Mobile World Congress

The Minds Behind The Game is the tagline for the 2023 edition of the Sports Tomorrow Congress happening in Barcelona next February 27 and 28. Barça Innovation Hub is running this event in association with GSMA and is offering a wide range of topics, with Artificial Intelligence one of the outstanding. This subject has been on the agenda for years and is increasingly more important in out everyday lives. 

FC Barcelona's innovation and knowledge platform has scheduled five thematic sessions on artificial cognition and its uses in the quest for excellence in sports and medicine in the conviction that AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we experience, analyse and broadcast sports, and that it is going to play and ever greater role in the future of the sports sector

NASA in attendance

One of the panel debates that will generate the most attention is the one called “NASA, Human Performance, Data and AI” that will be featuring two prestigious NASA engineers, Howard Hu and Carlos García Galán

Both experts will be discussing NASA's background in human performance research and revealing details of the upcoming Artemis missions, the agency's program that aims to establish a prolonged human presence on the Moon and send people to Mars in the next decade. Hu and García Galán will be explaining how the astronauts and operational team will be preparing for the task and NASA's experience in human adaptation to extreme space environments while tackling high-complexity missions.

Howard Hu is NASA's Orion Program Manager, leading the project that will take man back to the Moon, after an absence of more than 50 years. NASA has set 2025 as the year when the Orion spacecraft will be touching down on the satellite, and from this milestone the plan is to then take humans "further than ever" into space. Hu will be joined by Carlos García Galán, NASA's Orion ESM Integration Manager, an engineer from Malaga with more than fifteen years of experience with the agency and a renowned populariser of science and technology.

Medicine, decision making and performance 

In addition to the session with NASA experts, the Sports Tomorrow Congress will be holding four other panel sessions on artificial intelligence: The importance of context when aplying AI for enabled performance;
AI joins football,Jfootball meets AI; VR + AI Applied to Medicine; AI and The Future of Medicine.

All these presentations by experts from each sector will not only discuss the potential of AI in each field, but will also show how it is being applied through practical examples. They will be looking at virtual reality and other immersive technologies that offer fans a more interactive and engaging experience of live sporting events. Decision-making  and how AI can be used to analyse player performance, tactical strategies and team dynamics will also be examined, with the aim of finding out what is working and what needs to be improved. And the medical section will discuss the potential of AI to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses, identify the best treatment options and predict patient outcomes in greater detail.

Online registration available

The Sports Tomorrow Congress is an event aimed at all professionals from all sporting disciplines. Attendance in person at the 2023 edition will be by invitation only, but there is also an online mode that can be purchased on the congress website.

The fact that this congress will be part of MWC Barcelona, the largest event in the world in the field of technology and connectivity is related to the Barça Innovation Hub's goal of promoting a culture of excellence and partnerships with brands, universities, research centres, startups, entrepreneurs, students, athletes, investors and visionaries from around the world.



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