Yerry Mina's official presentation takes place on Saturday

The timetable for Yerry Mina's presentation

The Colombian centre back will be at Camp Nou on Friday for the traditional photo session with the Barça badge outside the Club offices

Yerry Mina’s first few hours in Barcelona as a Barça player now have a timetable. The Colombian defender will appear on Friday 12 January at Camp Nou for a photo session at the Club’s offices. The next day, Saturday, the official presentation will take place (all times CET):

  • 12.00pm: signing of the contract in the Presidential Anteroom.
  • 12.45pm: official presentation at the Espai Roma
  • 1.15pm: photo session on the field at Camp Nou, open to the public (limited capacity). The doors will open at Camp Nou at 11.30pm.
  • 2.00pm: Press conference in the Auditori 1899

Yerry Mina’s presentation can be followed live on the Club’s website and on its Youtube and Facebook pages from 12.15pm. 

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