Ice Skating School
Courses and levels
TOT 1 and 2: Initiation to and consolidation of basic techniques, from 4 to 8 years old.
PRE-ALPHA: Initiation to and consolidation of basic techniques, from 9 years old.
ALPHA: Forward crossovers.
BETA: Backward crossovers.
GAMMA & DELTA: Initiation to figure skating and spins.
FREESTYLE from 1 to 10: Advanced figure skating.
The School will provide skates for classes.
Comfortable clothing, gloves compulsory for everyone and helmet compulsory for under 12s.
The courses lasts for four months
Classes are one hour a week.
The School offers a wide range of times depending on age and skating level.
Free entrance for public sessions throughout duration of course with skate hire included.
Intensive courses in July.
MEMBERS € 239 per four month course
PUBLIC € 266 per four month course
From 2nd member of the family € 210 per four month course.
For further information, call 93 496 36 31 Monday to Thursday from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00, Fridays from 10.00 to 14.00. You can also send an email to