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Confirm your participation in the Extraordinary General Assembly for Delegate Members

Delegate members wishing to attend the virtual assembly on 21 December must fill in a confirmation form

All delegate members wishing to attend this virtual assembly will need to confirm attendance beforehand.

As such, delegate members wishing to participate in the FC Barcelona Extraordinary General Assembly on 21 Decemberer - first call 10.30 am and second call 11 am - must confirm their attendance using the form via this link:

The Assembly Table, with the presence of members of the Board of Directors, will be set up in the Auditori 1899, and the day's agenda will begin with the president's report followed by the other points of order. 

Delegate members who constitute the FC Barcelona General Assembly are called to the meeting of the Club's supreme governing body, made up of a representation chosen by draw of 2.5% of members, teh Club Senate, members of the current Board of Directors, members of the statute commissions, former presidents of the Club and presidents of regional supporters' clubs who have been members for more than five years. 


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