
Record attendance for online assembly

Numbers peaked at 932 delegate members

The 2024 Ordinary General Assembly goes down on record as the most widely attended virtual assembly in club history. A peak of 932 delegates marked the highest attendance figure. It was also the third highest in participation since 2015.

The editions with the most participants were in 2016 with 958 delegates and in 2018, which currently holds the record for the largest attendance with 1007 participants.

Four votes

During the Assembly on October 19, four votes were conducted. The first addressed the settlement of the 2023/2024 financial year:

Next, the accounts for the current financial year (2024/2025) were ratified:

After the lunch break, voting resumed with the Assembly ratifying the Members Ombudsperson:

Finally, the voting concluded with the approval of Valero Rivera as Honorary Member of the Handball section, which was passed by a wide majority:


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