irene paredes dia infancia

Women's team player, Irene Paredes, joins the FC Barcelona Foundation campaign to mark World Children’s Day

The player advocates for children’s rights to health, a dignified life and protection from wars and violence

Barça women's first-team footballer and newly appointed FC Barcelona Foundation ambassador, Irene Paredes, has participated in the Foundation’s campaign for World Children’s Day, celebrated on Monday 20 November 2023. As such, the club and its Foundation join this celebration to highlight the plight of the most disadvantaged children, raise societal awareness about children's rights and stress the importance of working on a daily basis to ensure their wellbeing.

In the video, the Barça player advocates for every child’s right to health and a dignified life and calls for them to be protected from any form of violence or discrimination, assuring their safety in situations of conflict, such as those currently being experienced around the world. The campaign also showcases a variety of the projects and actions carried out by the FC Barcelona Foundation to benefit children around the world.

Since 2003, the FC Barcelona Foundation has been implementing projects both at home in Catalonia and in various countries worldwide to improve the lives of children living in highly vulnerable and at-risk social situations, which it accomplishes by using sport as a tool for transformation and social inclusion.

Foundation Ambassadors

The FC Barcelona Foundation has recently created the new role of Foundation Ambassador, which enables prominent individuals from or with close links to the club to support the various projects promoted by the entity. First-team player Irene Paredes regularly participates in the Foundation’s campaigns and actions and has now been appointed as one of the entity’s new ambassadors, with the aim of supporting different projects, particularly those focused on gender, health and emotional wellbeing.

This ambassadorial role began with the appointment of athlete Àlex Roca, who currently collaborates with the Foundation by giving motivational talks to a number of groups with which the organisation works.

Irene Paredes, FC Barcelona player and one of the Foundation’s new ambassadors

“International days like the one we are commemorating today, the 20th of November, are particularly important because we are advocating for the rights of children. The right to a dignified life, the right to education, the right to health, the right to play sports and the right to protection in times of war, as is sadly being endured in various places around the world right now.

“Let’s all imagine we are children today and connect with our responsibility as adults to protect and safeguard their rights. The Barça Foundation works locally, as well as in a host of countries around the world, where there are children living in highly vulnerable situations."

Dra. Marta Segú, directora general de la Fundació FC Barcelona

“Per nosaltres és molt important poder comptar amb el suport de persones rellevants de la societat, com són les nostres jugadores i jugadors, a qui segueixen milions de persones a tot el planeta, ja que ens permeten donar visibilitat a la nostra tasca, que sovint queda amagada sota la rellevància que té el Barça arreu del món i per la important activitat esportiva del Club a través de les seves seccions ptofessionals.

“Agraeixo sincerament a totes les jugadores, jugadors i tècnics del nostre Club el seu compromís a ajudar-nos a sensibilitzar sobre les problemàtiques que afecten la infància i per donar visibilitat als nostres programes i projectes. Les nostres jugadores, com en aquest cas la Irene Paredes, mostren els valors que ens defineixen com a entitat i que donen sentit al “Més que un club” al món.

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