
Third Online Participation Session held

Director responsible for the Social Area Josep-Ignasi Macià also participated in this third edition

Yesterday afternoon saw the third Online Participation Session for FC Barcelona Penyas take place. The event featured the penyas from Baix Llobregat, Anoia, Penedès, Garraf, Bages, Berguedà, Osona, Cerdanya and Ripollès, who were joined by the Director responsible for the Social Area, Josep-Ignasi Macià, the director of the Social Area, Anna Aznar, and FC Barcelona Penyas department manager, Enric Bosch.

Josep-Ignasi Macià was there at the meeting with the FC Barcelona penyas once again, continuing his commitment from the previous two sessions. During his speech, he underlined that these meetings are part of Barça's project for official penyas that aims to ensure they are in direct contact with the Club without the need for intermediaries. Macià made use of the occasion to provide details about the latest developments surrounding FC Barcelona, such as the current status of the Spotify Camp Nou redevelopment.

He also emphasised how essential it is for penyas to register, underlining that this is a fundamental project that can lead to more and better services and benefits for both penyas and penya members.

The second part of the session focused on answering queries regarding the registration process from penya representatives. Furthermore, it was announced that the second phase of the project will get under way in the coming months, with the aim of simplifying procedures and improving interaction between penyas and the Club.

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