
Vote for the best moment of December! 🗳️

Pick your favourite of our four options and you might be winning some Barça goodies

December is always a time for looking back at the year gone by, but we're only asking you to cast your minds back to what's happened in the last month of 2023. We feel that the four biggest moments for the women's football team were Mapi León signing a contract extension through to 2026, Mariona, Paralluelo and Walsh meeting hundreds of fans at Barça Store in Passeig de Gràcia, Asisat Oshoala winning the African Player of the Year award for 2023 and the completion of an unbeaten first half of the season. 

Now we hand it over to you to choose the best moment of all, and you'll also be entered into a draw to win Barça products! 💥

* If you are unable to view the content, please vote here.

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