
UCAM Murcia 82-73 Barça: Final period loss

A tight game is only decided at the very end, but it's the third defeat of the season for the basketball team

FC Barcelona have been beaten at the Palacio de Deportes in Murcia by a very solvent team in both offence and defence. Willy Hernangómez (15), Satoransky (11) and Laprovittola (11) all hit double scoring figures but the home side exploited Barça's few weaknesses, and it was enough for them to win the game.

Early on, the main reason why Murcia had a slender lead was the omnipresent Moussa Diagné, whose height was giving the Catalans all kinds of problems. In a high scoring end-to-end match, Murcia were breaking through the Barça defence with sometimes alarming ease, but 3-pointers were keeping the visitors well in contention, and they eventually worked their way into the lead.

Barça started dominating more and more, although as the game progressed, neither side was building up anything remotely resembling a definitive lead.

An impressive Ennis, with 10 points in the third period alone, was countered by the combined efforts of Laprovittola, Willy and Parker, and going into the final period, Barça finally looked ready to make their pounce.

But it didn't happen, Far too many easy scores were squandered and the blaugrana paid the price heavily. Murcia were soon back in the lead, and in the final minutes simply played the better hoops and made sure that Barça would be losing for just the third time this season.


Murcia, 82
Barça, 73

Murcia: Hakanson (4), Ennis (19), Kurucs (12), Sleva (6), Birgander (15), Sant-Roos (6), Caupain (4), Radovic (8), McFadden (2), Diagné (6).

Barça: Satoransky (11), Abrines (3), Kalinic (5), Parker (8), N'Naji (2), Da Silva (0), Brizuela (2), Hernangomez (15), Jokubaitis (6), Parra (10).

Periods: 23-20, 12-18 // 23-24, 24-11

Referees: Benjamín jiménez, Francisco Araña & Iyán González.

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