
Ordinary General Assembly of Delegate Members on October 21

Even to be held online from 9.30am CEST with the Table convened for the Auditori 1899

The FC Barcelona Board of Directors announced following its meeting of September 20 and in compliance with article 27 of the club statutes to call the Ordinary General Assembly as an online event pursuant to article 31 bis de of the Act on Catalan Sport (Legislative Decree 1/2000, of July 31) next October 21 at 9.30am CEST for the first call and 10am for the second call. The Table is convened in the Auditori 1899, the facility on the grounds of Spotify Camp Nou, and the agenda is as follows:

  1. President's report.
  2. Report and approval, if applicable, of liquidation of account for the 2022/2023 season.
  3. Report and approval, if applicable, of budget for the 2023/2023 season.
  4. Ratification of partnership deal with Ambilight TV.
  5. Report on current status of Espai Barça.
  6. Members' ombudsman's report.
  7. Proposals by members pursuant to article 20.11 of the statutes.
  8. Open floor for questions.

The Board has also arranged for the attendance of a notary public to draft minutes of all agreements made.

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