
Tarazona 0-2 Barça Atlètic: First away win

Pau Víctor scores twice to earn victory for the reserves in Aragon

Barça have won a tough, physical encounter at the home of Tarazona thanks to a brace from Pau Víctor, and the three points move them up to eighth in the table

Despite Barça's attempts to make it otherwise, it was not always the prettiest game, with the yellow card coming out of the referee's pocket from early on and making several reappearances later on. Meanwhile, decent chances for either side were only conspicuous by their absence until Pau Víctor headed in a Pocho Román cross shortly before half-time.

One might have hoped things would calm down a but after a few minutes to cool down in the dressing room. Not so. Things were feistier than ever, and once again the main action involved the referee taking his card out of his pocket as opposed to spectacular football.

Faye was on the receiving end of two of those, the second for deliberately breaking down a counter attack. He took one for the team, but Barça were now a man down.

Tarazona were desperate to make the extra man count, but Barça Atlètic stood firm at the back, and Rafa Marquez opted to stick to two men up front.

There was always something of a risk in doing that, but the Mexican's gambit paid off, helped when the home side also also had one of their players sent the way of an early shower. A second goal from Pau Victor in the 89th minute made sure of a hard-fought win in every sense of the term.


Tarazona, 0
Barça, 2

Tarazona: Azón, Pedreño, Trilles (San Emeterio, min. 76), Amoah, Kortazar, Carlos Javier (Mounir, min. 45), Manu Cocca (Álex Gil, min. 45), Keita, Areso (Guiu, min. 79), Cubillas, Pichín Yoel Ramírez (Fer Cano, min. 36)

Barça: Astralaga, Gerard Martín, Casadó, Moha (Pau Prim, min. 92), Percan (Cuéllar, min. 83), Mikayil, Pocho (Sergi Dominguez, min 73), Pau Víctor, Unai (Trilli, min. 83), Cubarsí, Fort

Goals: 0-1, Pau Víctor (min. 42), 0-2, Paú Víctor (min. 89)

Àrbitres: Palencia Caballero. Yellows for Trilles, Cocca, Carlos Javier (Tarazona) and Moha, Casadó (Barcelona). Red cards for Pichín and Faye.

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