Payment for Barça Pass 2023/24, from July 24 to August 18
From 10am CEST on Monday 24 July, FC Barcelona members can book a Barça Pass for the 2023/24 season. Payment can be made by bank transfer for periods of three, four, six or nine months, or in person at the Barcelona Supporter Services Office (OAB) from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm by appointment only. Payment by bank transfer or in instalments can be arranged via the Online Transactions section of the official website.
The deadline for payment of any of the three kinds of Barça Pass is 8pm CEST on August 18. If you have not already paid or have not arranged to pay in instalments, you will be debited the full amount from your account on August 24.
Decision by Board of Directors
Since last season and due to the financial crisis, the board decided that members should be given a selection of different payment methods to make it easier for them to come and see the different pro sports teams in action. As some families have to pay for more than one card and this can be quite an expense to bear in one go, this season payment can also be made in instalments.
Members with a Barça Pass for the first team in the 2023/24 season are guaranteed tickets for all games played at the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium provided they confirm attendance at least six days prior to kick off by filling in the provided form in the Montjuïc Members Zone 2023/24 of the club website. Confirmation can be made any time after the time and date have been announced.
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