
FC Barcelona celebrate LGTBIQ+ Pride Day by flying the rainbow flag

Eight flags representing the community fly on the South Goal stand of Estadi Johan Cruyff as a sign of the Club's commitment to sexual and gender diversity

Today is June 28, and that means it is International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day, with FC Barcelona to show its commitment to the recognition of rights for the LGTBIQ+ community by raising the rainbow flag at its facilities. Last year's location was the Spotify Camp Nou, but the venue will be Estadi Johan Cruyff this year due to the ongoing works at the stadium.

The Club has again chosen the more inclusive Progress Pride flag for this action. This sees white, pink, light blue, brown and black stripes added to the classic rainbow flag in the form of a right-facing arrow. The aim is to represent a movement in constant progression and that there is still some way to go for every different community in society to feel fully integrated and accepted.

Eight flags are flying on the South Goal stand, rippling in the wind to represent sexual diversity until July 6.

A Club against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia

The FC Barcelona Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Department ensures that all type of diversities can form part of the institution's organisational culture while raising awareness about the different communities.

The Club carried out different actions regarding the LGTBIQ+ community throughout the season. These included a sports day in February, when FC Barcelona's partners since 2022, the not-for-profit LGTBIQ+ association Panteres Grogues, provided teams that played against players from the FC Barcelona Players Association, and retired basketball and handball players, to both celebrate and raise awareness about the International Day Against LGBT-phobia in Sport.

Two months later on May 17, also in conjunction with Panteres Grogues, FC Barcelona organised a workshop for young sportspeople from La Masia to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, as part of the commitment to help to eradicate situations of inequality for the LGTBQI+ community in the world of sport.

Staying with partners and in line with European Diversity Month, FC Barcelona's main partner, Spotify, invited writers and singers to the Stadium to introduce their work to a large audience for the Barça v Real Sociedad game on May 20. This action was part of the Spotify GLOW project, and aims to strength both institutions' commitment to promoting a cultural shift to build a more plural and diverse society.

Remembering the injustice at Stonewall Inn

The International LGTBQI+ Pride Day celebration remembers the police raid at the Stonewall Inn gay bar in New York on June 28, 1969. The police began to forcibly remove customers from the premises, which sparked local people to protest the injustice outside the bar, the first time the gay community had manifestly fought back against the institutional and social repression they were experiencing. The event is considered to mark the start of the road to self-determination for homosexuals.

The first Gay Pride march took place on June 28, 1970 in New York, while the first march in Spain for LGBT rights took place on Las Ramblas in Barcelona in 1977.

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