
The agreement with Spotify to undergo ratification in the first ever virtual assembly in Barça history

The 4,478 member delegates are called to take part in the extraordinary event of the Club's most important governing body from 10am CEST

On April 3 the FC Barcelona will hold an Extraordinary Assembly to address the proposed agreement with Spotify as a new main Club sponsor, with delegate members voting on its ratification. The Delegates' Assembly will take place virtually for the first time in the Club's history and members can follow it live via streaming on the Club official website - www.fcbarcelona.com - as well as YouTube, starting at 10am CEST. 

The 4,478 delegate members members are convened at 10.00am for the first call and 10.30am for the second call (both CEST). The FC Barcelona General Assembly, the Club's highest governing body, comprises of a random selection of 2.5% of the members, the Club's Senators, the current members of the Board of Directors, the members of the statutes commission, ex-presidents of the Club, and the presidents of the regional supporters' club federations who have been members for at least five years.

The Assembly at the Auditori 1899

Despite the fact that the Assembly will take place 100% virtually, the venue for the event will be the Auditori 1899 that will host the Assembly Table formed by a limited representation in person - the Board of Directors, the Members' Ombudsman, the members of the Statutory Commissions, that form part of the team of delegate members. All these people present at the Auditori and with the right to vote will have to do so virtually using terminals installed at the venue. 

The host the Assembly Table, the 1899 Auditori will be transformed into a large TV studio where the corresponding interventions to the points of order of the day will be made, which can be followed via streaming. The first point of the Extraordinary Assembly will be the president's report given by Joan Laporta, then the Spotify sponsorship proposal which will be presented by the vice president of the Marketing Area, Juli Guiu. Following that will come the responses to those questions previously set by the delegates on the Spotify agreement which will be then voted on for its ratification. Finally, the order of the day will close with a round of interventions from the delegates present in the Assembly's virtual space. 


  1. President’s Report
  2. Ratification of the agreement with Spotify
  3. Members’ proposals in accordance with the provisions of Article 20.11 of the By-laws
  4. Open session for contributions

Members' participation in the Assembly

All those member delegates who wish to take part in the Assembly will have to access the virtual venue using any mobile device or computer, enter www.fcbarcelona.com, where there will be a link to the dedicated Assembly site, where delegate members can register in order to participate and cast their vote when required.

The registration process requires first entering your Membership codePersonal code (PIN), and date of birth. Delegate members will then receive an SMS to their mobile phone containing a 6 digit number that will need to be entered to confirm their registration. For that reason it is vitally important for members to check and update their details in order to avoid any problems in accessing the virtual Assembly. 

Once registered, you will have access to the virtual room, with a screen from which you can follow the Assembly proceedings via streaming, with some buttons available for sending questions and casting the vote when permitted.

Delegates' questions 

From Thursday 31 March members delegates who wish to ask questions related to the Sportify sponsorship agreement can do so via a form on the Assembly section on the Club's website and they will be answered during the Assembly. This form will be available until Saturday 2 April at 5pm CEST. 

During the Assembly, as usual, all delegate members can ask any questions they like when this is allowed by the agenda. Two specific channels will be opened for remote participation: one via a written form and another in videoconference format featuring live audio and images.

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