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Spotify sponsorship agreement to be subjected to ratification during the Club's first ever virtual Assembly

The Board of Directors chose the method given the success of the Espai Barça Referendum, so the Extraordinary Assembly will take place on April 3 with the 4,478 delegate members convened for this significant Club decision

Last Tuesday saw the Board of Directors announce a long-term strategic collaboration agreement with Spotify, whereby the world's most popular audio streaming platform will become the Club's Main Partner, appearing on the front of men and women first-team matchday and training jerseys from the 2022/2023 season onwards. The collaboration also includes the Swedish company becoming the stadium's Title Partner, which will become known as the Spotify Camp Nou. Approved and signed by the FC Barcelona board of directors, the agreement is subject to ratification by the Extraordinary Delegate Members Assembly, which will be held virtually on April 3.

So, this very important decision for the Club's future will be put to the vote during the Club's first ever virtual Assembly, given the good experience during the Espai Barça funding Referendum, also virtual, incident-free, and with a high turnout. The Board of Directors considered it necessary to continue modernising and making participative processes more efficient.

4,478 delegate members are convened for April 3 - the same date as the FC Barcelona vs Sevilla match - at 10.00am and 10.30am CET for the first and second rounds respectively. The Assembly can be watched live via Barça TV (in Catalonia on TDT, and via the Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Grupo Euskaltel and FuboTV platforms in the rest of Spain), and by live stream via the Club's website.

Although this Assembly is 100% virtual, the Auditori 1899 will form the backdrop for the event, which will be attended by a limited number of persons, comprised of the entire Board of Directors, the Members' Ombudsman, and members of the Statutes Commission, who are part of the delegate members collective. Everyone attending in person with a right to vote - including the members of the Board of Directors - have to vote virtually using terminals installed in the auditorium itself.


The Assembly Agenda will have four points, with ratification of the sponsorship agreement with Spotify the focus.

  • The President's report.
  • Ratification of the agreement with Spotify.
  • Member proposals in accordance with the provisions of article 20.11 of the Statutes.
  • Open floor for interventions.

How can delegate members participate?

As with in-person assemblies, delegate members will be able to participate and ask about aspects relating to the point in the agenda dealing with the agreement with Spotify prior to voting. The floor will open for interventions once the relevant presentation has ended. With a view to increasing participation as much as possible, a new development will provide delegate members with different channels for asking questions about the sponsorship proposal for ratification during the Assembly.

  1. In writing, using a form
  2. Via the website 'microsite', during the three day period prior to the Assembly: Delegate members that wish to send the Board of Directors questions relating only to the second point on the Agenda can do so up to three days before the Assembly takes place, once the Club website 'microsite' module is activated - a form to ask the question in writing, which will be answered during the Assembly
  3. Via the virtual platform on the same day as the Assembly: Once the Assembly is underway, the channel for any written questions for the Board of Directors relating to this point of the Agenda will be activated.
  4. Live via videoconferencing: Delegate members can also pose their questions live. The videconferencing system used to show the Assembly will allow participants to ask any questions live during the relevant point of the Agenda, and image of the member asking the question will be shown in public on the feed. Delegate members that want to use this option will have to have their members card to hand and show it for identification purposes.

How do you vote?

Every delegate member accesses the virtual room by providing their membership code, personal code, and date of birth for identification, before entering the 6 digit number received by SMS, and joining the Assembly. This also enables their right to vote when the Board of Directors' Secretary gives the go ahead for the voting to start. The voting button will not be active until that point and enough time will be allowed to complete the process, including choosing the vote (Yes, No or Blank), casting the vote, receiving confirmation of the casted vote, and downloading the confirmation receipt.


Direct communication with delegate members

The Club will directly inform all delegate members about the procedure for accessing the virtual Extraordinary Assembly and voting at the right time during the agenda. Regular communication channels will be used, such as email, SMS messages, supported by standard mail and telephone calls. A form will also be made available in the website's 'microsite' in order to confirm attendance to the virtual room. On the day of the Assembly, delegate members will also receive an SMS via their mobile, containing a direct link to access the Assembly platform and the virtual room, from which they can watch the event via streaming, and ask questions and vote.

Online communication via the 'microsite'

From today onwards, delegate members can also find all they need to know via the 'microsite' in the Club website members section. This section contains five modules containing the announcement and agenda, the form to confirm participation, information about the Assembly itself, information about how to vote, and a channel for questions via the form that will be available during the three day period prior to the Assembly.

Announcement and presentation of documents

As indicated by the Statutes, Thursday saw the announcement of the printed version across a range of media, informing delegate members that the information regarding the 2nd point of the Agenda will be available from March 23 from a specific area in the Barcelona Supporter Services Office (OAB).

More news here