
Large majority approve modifications to six articles and two transitiory dispositions of Statutes

Modifications to Articles 16 and 23, on the Supporters Clubs, also receive massive support, but not enough to secure a two thirds majority

In voting on the sixth item on the agenda of this Saturday's Ordinary General Assembly, the FC Barcelona delegate members approved by a large majority eight of the ten proposals to amend the Statutes.

The amendments to the 16th and the 23rd articles on the Supporters Clubs and the subjective and objective budgets of delegate status did not obtain the qualified majority of two thirds of the votes in favour. 

These are the affected amendments and the outcome of the votes:

Article 4. Functional scope

Adaptation of the Statutes by making express recognition in favour of the basic and elementary principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and promoting and ensuring their protection:

Add a section 3 that says:
“In addition, the Club will ensure the protection and promotion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights contained in the International Charter of Human Rights proclaimed by the United Nations. 

The Club in its actions, both public and private, will ensure equal rights and the dignity of all people.”  

Modify section 3, transforming it into 4 and adding sections F) and G), saying: “In compliance with these objectives, the Club 

F) Promotes the democratic values ​​of equality and non-discrimination. 
G) Will campaign for the eradication of all sexist, homophobic and racist attitudes in the social and sports fields.”

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 336
Against: 4
Abstentions: 9

Article 12. Acquisition of membership status

The approved amendment states that new memberships need not only be applied for in person, as before, but also the option now exists for electronic applications:

“Applications for membership may be made in person or online with digital signature or a similar security element of the interested party...”

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 257
Against: 61
Abstentions: 26

Article 16. Supporters Clubs (Penyes)

After extensive debate, the vote the result was largely in favour of the submitted proposal, but did not obtain the two-thirds required by the Club Statutes. 

Consequently, this article of the Statutes remains in its current wording.

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 232
Against: 70
Abstentions: 39

Article 23. Subjective and objective budgets of delegate member status

The amendment to this article was debated and voted on in conjunction with Article 16. Consequently, despite having the widespread support of the Assembly, it failed to obtain the two-thirds required by the Club’s Statutes, and therefore the article remains in its current wording.

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 232
Against: 70
Abstentions: 39

Article 33. Composition of the Board of Directors.

In this section, the proposal to increase the members of the Board of Directors to a maximum of 25 members, instead of the 21 as previously established, has been approved. The minimum figure remains at 14.

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 301
Against: 24
Abstentions: 13

Article 34. Term of office.

The reduction of the term of office of the Board of Directors from six to five years has been approved: “The term of office of the Board is simultaneous for all members and has a duration of five calendar years, beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30”

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 337
Against: 4 
Abstentions: 3

Article 39. Code of ethics.

By virtue of this modification, the code of ethics is extended to all FC Barcelona employees: “The Board of Directors must approve a code of ethics of mandatory fulfilment by all the members of the Board of Directors, members of statutory and non-statutory commissions, all executives and employees of the Club”.

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 321
Against: 12
Abstentions: 5

Article 60 B. Ethics and transparency commission.

Creation of a new 60b article with the following content: 

"The Ethics and Transparency Commission is a collective organ of a consultative nature that has as its objective the protection of the Club's values and the guarantee of their correct application in agreement with the the rules regarding their function. 

It is formed by five members of the Board of Directors. One has to be chosen by the members and is the one who presides over the Commission. The other four have to be designated by the Board from the Club's members based on their experience and reputation in this area. 

The president of the Commission can name a vicepresident and a secretary. All posts are honorary. 

The mandate of the members of the Ethics and Transparency Committee must coincide with the mandate of the Board of Directors as set out in article 34. The removal and suspension of members of the Commission must be done freely by the Board of Directors. 

The function of the Ethics and Transparency Commission is governed by a reguation of function approved by the Board of Directors." 

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For : 321
Against: 12
Abstentions: 5

Transitory dispositions

To include two new transitory dispositions:

First - “The modification of Article 34 does not affect the mandate of the current Board of Directors, which is scheduled to end on 30 June 2026. For that season it will enter into practice at the end of the current mandate." 

Second- "As a result of the losses recorded and the Club's existing debt at the time of approving the annual accounts relating to 2020-2021, article 67 of the statutes remains temporarily suspended and without effect until the recovery of positive assets." 

The result of the vote on this article was as follows:

For: 265
Against: 54
Abstentions: 18


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