
Assembly and agenda

Palau Blaugrana to host FC Barcelona members' Ordinary General Assembly on Sunday 17 October


After meeting on 16 September 2021 and in accordance with the provisions of article 27 of the Statutes, the FC Barcelona Board of Directors agreed to call an Ordinary General Assembly.

The meeting will take place on 17 October at Palau Blaugrana, with the first call at 3:00pm and the second call at 3:30pm, and the following


  1. President's Report.
  2. Report and approval, if applicable, of the closure of the financial year corresponding to the 2020/2021 season.
  3. Report and approval, if applicable, of the budget for the financial year corresponding to the 2021/2022 season.
  4. Espai Barça. Approval, if applicable, of acquisition of the necessary funding to carry out the operation.
  5. Barça Studios. Authorisation to transfer a minority shareholding to one or more investors.
  6. Report and approval, if applicable, of the proposed reform of the Statutes.
  7. Report by the Members' Ombudsman.
  8. Proposals by members pursuant to article 20.11 of the Statutes.
  9. Open floor.

The Board of Directors also agreed for a notary to be present to record every agreement during the Assembly.

All members should note that information regarding the proposal to reform the Statutes will be available from 26 September between 10:00am and 2:00pm, Monday to Sunday, from a designated area of the Barcelona Supporter Services Office.
Members will also be able to access information relating to the remaining items at the same location and during the same hours from 1 October.

Barcelona, 24 September 2021


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