The Barça Players Award 2020 is going to be for the FC Barcelona's first teams squads.

The Association grants the Barça Players Award to the FC Barcelona football’s first teams

Special mention to Ramallets, Gràcia, Segarra and Vergés

The FC Barcelona Players Association have grant the Barça Players Award of fair play to the football’s first teams of the Club. The jury, which was met online on July 22th, acknowledged the blaugrana players’ behavior in front of the exceptional situation caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. Is the first time during the 11 editions that the prize is given to all of the team members.

According to the jury, the players’ behavior during the state of alarm has been translate into economic contributions or into participation on different iniciatives run buy FC Barcelona and other institutions. Actions that had as beneficiaries the Club’s employees, hospitals, social entities and the scientific community. To sum up, these last months the Club players- not only footballers, also the rest of professional sections- have become an example of solidarity during the pandemic and therefore, in a pride for FC Barcelona.

A symbolic special mention

Following the tradition, in each edition of the Barça Players Award it is given a Special Mention of fair play to a former footballer who had deserved it when he or she was playing. In this occasion, the jury has grant the special mention in a symbolic way to four members of the 1960-1961 squad. On February of 1961, Antoni Ramallets, Joan Segarra, Sígfrid Gràcia and Martí Vergés offered themselves to help the Club, which was in an deep economic crisis. Some years after, Ramallets told that “we were Barça supporters since we were childs, we played in the Club of our dreams and Barça never had let us paid neither five cents. We were meant to do what we did”.

The evento to give the prize to the squad members will be organized soon. The jury of the Barça Players Award 2020 has been composed by the following people linked to sport and FC Barcelona:

Ramon Alfonseda, FC Barcelona Players Association president.
Pau Vilanova, FC Barcelona institutional vice president.
Xavi Vilajoana, FC Barcelona's executive.
Gerard Figueras, Sport general director.
Mària Vallès, Barça Foundation's director.
Jofre Mateu, FC Barcelona Players Association vice president.
Laura Llinàs,FC Barcelona Players Association's executive.
Lluís Mascaró, Diari Sport's attached director.
Joan Poquí, Journalist in Mundo Deportivo.
Pilar Calvo, Journalist.
Jordi Costa, Journalist in Catalunya Ràdio.
Carme Nieto, Former FC Barcelona player.

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