FC Barcelona communiquée.

Board of Directors agreements

The Board of Directors, meeting this Thursday electronically in ordinary session, have discussed various issues

The Board of Directors of FC Barcelona, meeting today electronically in ordinary session, have made the following agreements:

Congratulations to the teams that are champions

The Board of Directors wishes to congratulate the women's football, handball and roller hockey teams for the achievement of winning their respective league championships. Although it regrets the fact that the competitions could not be finished due to the Covid-19 crisis, the Board wants to highlight the magnificent season that these teams have had, and which has made them worthy champions.

Safety and hygiene protocols for all club facilities

Dr. Joan Bladé, director responsible for the coordination of all the actions and measures that are carried out to combat the effects produced within the club as a consequence of the Covid-19 crisis, has presented the protocols to the Board of Directors to convert all the facilities and dependencies of the club into clean and safe spaces, both for the athletes and workers of the entity, and for all the members and fans who have to use it.

The club has already begun to implement all technical and sanitary measures so that, when possible, the return to normality can be carried out quickly and with guarantees for all.

In this sense, and on the occasion of the resumption of part of sports activity, the club has prepared a guide for all workers, whose presence at the workplace is essential, and which provides for a series of measures, from different disciplines, to guarantee the safety and health of everyone.

With this same objective, the adaptation works of the Museum and the club's stores have already begun at this point, so they will be ready to receive the first visitors as soon as the health authorities authorise it.

Flags at half-mast in tribute to the victims of Covid-19

The Board of Directors have approved that, from now on, and during the entire validity of the state of alarm as a consequence of the Covid-19 health crisis, the flags at the club's facilities will fly at half-mast, in tribute and remembrance to all the partners, members and supporters who have lost their lives in this pandemic. With this gesture, the club also wants to support all the families of those who have lost their loved ones in the midst of exceptionally serious circumstances.

Thanks to partners and companies that have provided material for the fight against Covid-19

The Board of Directors would like to thank the partners and companies that, through the Foundation, are making donations of diverse material for the fight against Covid-19. So far, thanks to the collaboration of partners such as Taping Life Insurance, Beko, Nike and Serveto Transports, entities such as the Tencent Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and companies such as Mission Hills, 328,000 surgical masks have been delivered for medical and civil use, along with 15,000 personal protective equipment (PPE), and 9,500 glasses. Deliveries of clothing items and various household appliances have also been made.

The receiving entities of all this material have been the Catalan Health Institute, nine hospitals and several residences for the elderly in Catalonia, the Barcelona College of Physicians, the Department of Education of the Catalan Government, the General Directorate of Attention to Children and Adolescents (DGAIA), Catalonia Red Cross and the Food Bank.


Launch of Barça TV Plus

Within the framework of this development of the new digital strategy of the club, the Board of Directors have been informed of the projects that are being carried out by OTT Barça TV Plus, one of its own platforms that has been created to reach all fans without intermediaries. At this point it's already in the testing phase and, according to the announced schedule, it will be launched in the final stages of this season.

Launch of the club's e-Commerce platform

The Board of Directors have been informed about the first days of operation of the e-Commerce platform promoted by the club, by the company Barça Licensing Merchandising (BLM). Although the platform is still in an initial phase, the response of the club members has been excellent, with an order volume that far exceeds the forecasts made.

After such a positive local reception, the platform, which presents exclusive Barça Store products, will shortly open to other countries.

During these first few days, the most requested products have been those from the exclusive collections, the children's home kit and the UEFA Champions League game shirt, with all the official badges.

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