
Tips for good use of the internet and preventing cyberbullying

From the Barça Foundation we propose a series of recommendations for kids during these days of confinement.

Healthy habits for internet connection and prevention of cyber-bullying for girls and boys

  • Sleep away from electronic devices. You don’t need your cellphone for sleeping.
  • Never ‘go online’ during family meals.
  • Monitor your connection time, and try not to stay online for more time than necessary.
  • Remember that there is time for everything: doing sport, laughing, reading, studying, playing music…

Online security precautions for boys and girls

  • Activate the parental control option in all the apps and devices you use.
  • Turn off or cover the camera of your cellphone or tablet.
  • Do not trust any ‘amazing offers’ or ‘presents’ that you may receive from unknown sources.
  • Keep your profile private at any social networks you use.
  • NEVER share or provide your personal information: your name, your address…

Keeping a safe online profile

  • Have a safe password and change it frequently.
  • NEVER lend your cellphone or device to other people.
  • Keep the geolocalization (GPS) in your device(s) turned off as much as possible.
  • Configure your privacy settings in all your online profiles: social networks, apps…

What is 'grooming'?

  • ‘Grooming’ consists on an adult person approaching with sexual intentions a child or youngster through a fake profile in the social networks and/or online games or apps.
  • When using social networks, it is important for children and youngsters to NEVER accept strangers as friends and NEVER chat with strangers.
  • Parents should speak with children and to keep informed about their virtual friends and acquaintances.
  • Parents should check if their kids consider some online gaming colleague as his or her friend.

Let’s accompany our children

  • These days are the perfect time for us to familiarize with the digital world that our children are in.
  • Let’s surf the Internet, chat and play through the social networks with them so that we can see the places they usually visit.
  • Let’s help them detect the sites and the practices that are not appropriate for their age.

How to prevent cyberbullying?

  • Children must be careful when it comes to publishing /uploading content online (not only their own content but also if it belongs to others).
  • The content that is uploaded must be respectful.
  • It is very important for them to have a private profile in order to avoid suffering cyberbullying.

Do you need help against cyberbullyng?

  • Children victims of cyberbullying usually do not speak about it, neither to their parents nor to their teachers. Consequently, it is important to speak regularly about this topic with them.
  • The bullies can be blocked online and if necessary their actions can be reported to the authorities.
  • You can call the Children’s Assistance Telephone: 116 111 if you require assistance on this matter.

What is the digital identity of my children?

  • In front of a computer screen it is a lot easier to say things that we wouldn’t dare say face to face.
  • It is also a lot easier to become the spectator of bullying and of humiliations.
  • We need to inform the children that all that happens online is recorded, which can have consequences, even legally.

Which content do we publish on the internet?

  • The moment that any content is published or uploaded to the Internet, we lose control over it.
  • Such content can circulate around the Internet and reach some people we would not want to have it.
  • It is important for children not to publish or upload content that they could feel ashamed of in case it reached other people. 
Barça Foundation
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