
Messi: It's time to be responsible and stay at home

The FC Barcelona captain, via his Instagram account, asks people to be responsible in helping to deal with the threat of the coronavirus

More and more people from the world of sport are asking people to stay at home to help try and fight the spread of the coronavirus, the reason for which virtually all sport around the world has come to a halt. One of those who has made a public plea is FC Barcelona captain Leo Messi on social media via the following message: 

"These are difficult days for everyone. We are worried about what is happening and we want to help, putting ourselves in the position of those who suffering the most, either because they are affected directly or their family or friends are, or because they are working on the front line in the fight in hospitals and health centres. I want to send them all my support. Health has to come first.

It is an exceptional moment and we have to follow all the recommendations from the health authorities and public authorities. That is the only way that we can fight it effectively. It is time to be responsible and stay at home. Furthermore, it is a great chance to spend time with your loved ones, time you don't always have.

My best to everyone and let's hope we can turn this situation around, the quicker the better." 

Latest news: FC Barcelona and the coronavirus crisis
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