Unique behind closed doors ‘Camp Nou Live Stream Tour’ of Ciutat Esportiva

Unique behind closed doors ‘Camp Nou Live Stream Tour’ of Ciutat Esportiva

Museum to offer a behind the scenes look at the first-team facilities in Sant Joan Despí as part of their virtual tour for one session only on November 27

The Camp Nou Live Stream Tour is an interactive live tour around several areas of the Museum and the most iconic places in the Camp Nou that can be viewed from any location. The tour on Saturday November 27 promises to be very special, however, as it will be the first time that the Camp Nou Live Stream Tour has ever entered the Ciutat Esportiva. This exclusive tour - available to the public for the first time - will feature some of the more private areas used by the first-team in the facilities.

Accompanied by an official guide from FC Barcelona, virtual visitors will go to Camp 3, one of the first-team training centres at Sant Joan Despí. They will also see the team's dining hall and learn about the importance of diet to the players' everyday well-being. They will enter the press conference room at Ciutat Esportiva and find out when the coach and players interact with the media. The final part of the tour takes in the dressing rooms, where the players change for training, and the rehabilitation rooms, where injured players work hard on their recovery. Places used by the first team every day, but never seen before by the public, and only available on Saturday November 27.

Tour for only 5 euro with the discount code

As part of the tour, Barça fans can also enjoy the Museum's trophy rooms, containing all the Champion's League trophies at the Camp Nou, as well as areas containing memorabilia with significant items from the Club's history, plus the major attractions from the Tour Experience:  walks along the pitch, the benches, the tunnel from the dressing rooms, the press room, etc.

Although this special tour costs €10, fans can now enter the code VIRTUAL50 during the purchasing process to obtain a €5 discount, with the final €5 price matching the standard Camp Nou Live Stream Tour price.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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